谁是? 猫头鹰服务! 你会?

学生志愿者服务部 & 服务(SVS)促进有意服务 experiences that promote positive stewardship of our community and develops students 作为负责任的公民.

想要回馈社会,参与进来? 只要看看这里的许多机会就知道了 SVS为你准备的!

地点: 正规博彩十大网站排名中心西口(考试中心旁边)

3333 Busbee博士NW

电话: 470-578-6965

电子邮件: ksuserves@肯尼索.edu




    • Serving provides students with an opportunity to advance their careers with field experience that is great for a resume on job applications and for a CV letter on graduate school applications.  
    • Serving also provides students with an opportunity to engage with the community and 在与周围的人建立联系的同时,为他人创造积极的影响.
  • SVS uses a platform called 给Pulse to streamline the process of finding service 机会. 学生可以导航到肯尼索.givepulse.com(插入超连结), sign up using their 正规博彩十大网站排名 credentials, and begin to search for hundreds of service 机会 来自上百个地方组织.

    给Pulse also enables students to sign up for OwlsServe天, which are monthly 机会 让学生和其他学生一起做志愿者. 此外,SVS还举办一年一度的 正规博彩十大网站排名服务日, the largest service event of the year that mobilizes 500+ students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members to serve at dozens of service sites.

  • 每月的猫头鹰服务日是一个很好的开始! 这将使学生得到 从服务他们的社区开始,这个过程不会让人不知所措. 然后, students can use 给Pulse to find various service 机会 as they become more 舒适的. 如果您在旅途中需要任何帮助,本部门 学生志愿服务中心将尽我们所能帮助你.

学生志愿者服务部 and Service reserves the right to have the 对所有撞击日志的最终决定.


Our one-stop-shop for service 机会 open to students that are posted by community partners. The platform also keeps track of service hours throughout your time as a student at 正规博彩十大网站排名 for easy access to use in graduate school applications, 恢复建设, 和更多的. 

  • Before you begin tracking service hours through 给Pulse, please review the SVS Service Tracking Guidelines to familiarize yourself with what service activities can and cannot 在系统中被跟踪.
  • 今天就开始使用您的正规博彩十大网站排名证书吧.


SVS鼓励您在正规博彩十大网站排名期间跟踪您的服务时间! 给Pulse is the official volunteer portal for 正规博彩十大网站排名, where students can sign up for volunteer 机会并跟踪他们的工作时间! 在您跟踪您的服务时间之前,请阅读 through our Service Tracking Guidelines to familiarize yourself with what activities 能否通过系统进行跟踪.

  • 在正规博彩十大网站排名,学生志愿服务部门 & 服务将服务定义为至关重要的 为校外社区的共同利益做出贡献的机会. 我们积极 encourage students to participate in service and discover meaningful ways that their time can positively impact community organizations and individuals beyond the confines 我们的校园. 通过服务的重要性,我们旨在培养一种使命感 以及学生的社会责任感.

    • Participation in any service activity posted by 正规博彩十大网站排名 or by a community partner who is affiliated with 正规博彩十大网站排名 on 给Pulse. 
    • Service completed as a part of a service trip (only hours spent doing service on the trip).  
    • 花时间在一个基于信仰的组织做社区服务, 如果向公众提供的服务没有信仰要求(i.e., building a home through Habitat for Humanity, assisting at a local food bank, 等.).  
    • 无党派政治活动, such as voter registration drives or volunteering for a voting site on election day. 
    • 完成任何正规博彩十大网站排名部门的工作, 学生组织, 或不直接满足正规博彩十大网站排名校园以外需求的运动队. 
      间接慈善或筹款活动(i.e., 为某一组织筹集资金, 为慈善事业散步/跑步, 参加会议计划/组织筹款活动, 等.). 
    • Work completed for a for-profit organization that is not an affiliate of 正规博彩十大网站排名 on 给Pulse. 
    • 捐赠的物品/金钱不等于服务时间.
    • 这些应该用正确的影响类型进行记录. (See Other Forms of Tracking for more information about how to log this type of impact). 
    • 收集捐款或物品所花费的时间  
    • 任何有报酬的工作(i.e.现金、礼品卡等.)或获得其他补偿(例如.e.(课程学分,除非该课程被指定为服务学习课程).  
    • 旅行时间(汽车、火车、飞机等).)往返于服务地点, 在任何服务旅行中睡觉, 或者在服务旅行中花费的任何时间.  
    • 自我提升的经验, 包括参加会议或网络研讨会, 阴影的经历, 或者专业发展.  
    • 参与一个研究项目,无论是作为参与者(i.e.(焦点小组)或研究人员(i.e.,实验室助理).  
    • 协助任何党派政治活动. 
  • 除了跟踪服务时间, 你也可以在给Pulse中追踪其他形式的影响, 比如捐赠的物品或钱. 
    要做到这一点, change the type of impact you are making using the drop-down feature on the impact submission form. 然后,输入一个项目列表或捐赠金额. 
    Please note when attempting to log an amount of money donated, you will be asked to 请提交收据副本以证明捐款属实.

If you have any unanswered questions after reading these guidelines, please feel free 正规博彩十大网站排名 ksuserves@肯尼索.edu. 我们团队的成员会尽快回复. 

请注意: This is a living document and may be updated in the future with more information 或例子. 我们将确保在我们的网站上提供最新的版本. 学生志愿者服务部 & 服务公司保留最终决定权 通过给Pulse做出的所有影响日志的决定.


加载事件时发生错误. 请访问 猫头鹰的生活.


所有对SVS感兴趣的同学请登录 给Pulse 确保在注册打开时通知他们事件和编程.

  • OwlsServe天 - At least once a month the department hosts Service Saturday in partnership with a community partner in Cobb County or Metro Atlanta. 学生可以随时使用交通工具, 你一定会有一个有趣而有意义的经历. 
  • OwlsServe奖 Serve and track your hours throughout your time as a student and earn the OwlsServe Award when you graduate! 
  • 正规博彩十大网站排名服务日 - 正规博彩十大网站排名服务日 includes students, alumni, faculty, staff, and community members 在许多地点一起服务. 每个人都能找到适合自己兴趣的机会!
  • 已经扶轮青年服务团 -寻找有服务意识的学生群体? 考虑加入正规博彩十大网站排名扶轮青年服务团; a registered 学生组织 advised by SVS that is affiliated with Rotary International.
  • 美国志愿队服务奖学金 The 正规博彩十大网站排名 AmeriCorps Service Fellowship program is a paid, year-long opportunity to serve alongside local non-profits, develop your professional skills, 建立一个专业的人际网络! 成为服务人员是一个学习的机会 how to effect change for the campus, community, and beyond while demonstrating a commitment 为公众服务.
  • 猫头鹰在休息:选择休息旅行 - Spend your break from classes with other students exploring social issues and giving back.  

If you are seeking to fulfill court-mandated service hours, we are unable to provide 完成这些需求的机会.

